Top DC location family portraits photographer Tracey Attlee shoots beautiful DC family photos in the homes and nearby parks of Washington DC, MD and No VA high school seniors and families. Attlee, one of the best family photographers in DC, will consult with you to plan the themes and compositions you most want. For high school age children Attlee also has a spacious, professional Alexandria, VA studio available by appointment and it offers plenty of free parking and private hair, makeup and wardrobe areas.
Starring You in your High School Senior Portrait Session with Tracey Attlee

Make your high school senior portrait shine with personality by incorporating your favorite hobbies into the session. Maybe you play lacrosse, football, the guitar, or like cars, music or photography? Let's shoot some portraits of you doing what you love. High school sports uniforms and props make great additions to a high school senior photo session! So do musical instruments, riding habits, bikes, outdoor gear, hats, scarves, jewelry. They add color and life to your portraits as you can see with Zoie, above left.
Here are a few tips to make your Virginia high school senior photography session as great as the one with did with Zoie:
l. Wardrobe: Have ready two or three outfits or pieces to combine to make each look. Zoie had several dresses, sweaters, slacks, boot and shoe choices for the shots she requested. Everything was set out when we arrived and that made final selections easy.
2. Accessories: Bring a few accessories to change up a look: Zoie brought extra hats, jewelry, scarves and jackets. This helped indoors under the studio lights and outdoors in the snowy Virginia countryside. Of course our favorite accessory was her loving, gentle dog Lincoln.
3. Lint Pick Up: Great idea to run this over your wardrobe several times because today's professional portrait lenses are so sharp they will see every speck, lint and dust particle.
4. Hair/Makeup: Zoie had hers planned in advance so there was no slowdown in the action on the shoot.
5. Timing: Zoie answered the front door herself when we arrived. Perfect timing!
Tracey Attlee is a former White House photographer who has professionally photographed movie stars, US Presidents, kings, diplomats and people for 30 years. She offers high school senior portrait photography on location or in studio in Alexandria, VA and is now booking high school senior portrait sessions for juniors at Bishop O'Connell High School, Bishop Ireton High School, Oakcrest School of McLean, Paul VI Catholic High School and others in northern Virginia and DC. Please call Attlee Weddings and Portraits now for an appointment 703-966-9938.
Tracey will help you with wardrobe suggestions on what to put with what. Bring extra wardrobe pieces to your shoot so you can easily change the mood and look of your senior portrait with a sweater, jacket, hat, scarf or sunglasses.
Tracey Attlee says, "To get excellent high school senior portraits with impact and style, above all, be yourself and bring your sense of humor. I'll take care of the rest!"
During your portrait session you'll notice Tracey's cameras have a large LCD screen on back for previews. That way you instantly see how your senior portrait is looking and can guide her from there. Seeing yourself that fast takes the mystery out of the portrait session and show you how to bring your once-in-a-lifetime high school senior portrait to its best.
Call Tracey Attlee today in Alexandria, Virginia at 703-966-9938 to talk with this top DC family photographer in DC, MD and VA and help us design an amazing High School Senior Portrait session just for you!
Isn't it time for a beautiful portrait of yourself? We welcome you to come in with your mother, your sister, your daughter or your best friend so we can photograph you separately and together. You are always put the rest of the family first. Now its time for you! Why not make a beautiful memory of yourself that will be a family heirloom for years and generations to come?
Our spacious Alexandria, VA studio has plenty of free parking and a private wardrobe area for you to hang your clothes and change in private. Bring a few looks: casual, sporty, dressy so we can vary the mood and lighting of your photographs and give you lots of choices.
Your family loves you just the way you are but if you'd like hair and makeup beforehand we know great vendors in the area. Stop by them first and arrive glamorously ready for a beauty portrait you will love for a lifetime! Or, bring your own touch up makeup; there is a hair and makeup station here for you in our studio.
What to Wear for Your Family Portrait Session with Tracey Attlee
When planning wardrobe for a family photo shoot with Tracey Attlee, think about the location where you will be photographed and then choose two or three main colors for wardrobe that harmonize with the environment. The family does not have to match perfectly with everyone wearing the same shirt. Its more fun to keep the main colors in mind and dress in variations of it. For example, family seaside portraits look great in khaki and white, blue and khaki or blue and white combinations because the location, sea and sand, contains these colors. Limiting the range of main colors in the wardrobe gives portraits color harmony, just as they would in a painting. By choosing two or three main wardrobe colors you will keep the viewer's eye on the faces in your finished portrait and avoid the visual confusion caused by a random "checkerboard" look. Wearing solid colors, long sleeves, long pants or long dresses is highly recommended because this also keeps attention on the faces in your family portrait.
After selecting two main colors that harmonize with the background of your portrait session location, go ahead and vary the tones in the wardrobe colors a bit. Remember, you don't all have to be wearing the same thing! Only the tones, meaning the relative lightness and darkness of the colors, are what need to be in sync. You want the viewer's eye to go to each person equally and avoid keying on one person whose clothing is extremely light or extremely dark compared to the others.
In the above example, my client Cindy dressed her family in combinations of neutrals and blue, a perfect choice for a summer portrait by the blue sea on the beige sand. Cindy selected a cute dress from the Jones New York, Jessica Simpson line for herself. She balanced that by dressing her husband and son in blue shirts and khaki shorts, but notice how she varied the tones of the colors of their shirts and shorts while staying within her selected color palette. Cindy topped off the wardrobe color harmony by accessorizing herself in a necklace that again plays off the main colors she selected for the session, blue and beige. Take a lesson from Cindy for your next family portrait!